In an age of social media, a phenomenon has occurred which is causing people to lose their jobs or reputations: cancel culture. In a nutshell, cancel culture is a form…
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What Does the Bible Say About Equity vs. Equality
On November 1, 2020, Kamala Harris posted this video on Twitter discussing the difference between equity vs. equality. The text of the ad reads as follows: So there’s a big…
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The QAnon Phenomenon
According to Google Trends, search terms related to QAnon have dramatically risen since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic but especially in this past month of August. Several articles in…
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Politics, the Platform, and the Pulpit
As the election approaches, some churches may incorporate elements of politics, patriotism, or a discussion of voting. But is this appropriate to do in church? Should there be politics in…
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Romans 13 & When Churches Should Submit to Government
For several months, churches have undergone some kind of restrictions on corporate gathering and worship in order to slow the spread of Covid-19. These restrictions have either been implemented voluntarily at the request of state and county health officials or involuntarily through force of law. This has led to conflicts between churches and government officials over their ability to gather for corporate worship in a manner consistent with their beliefs. Many Christians and pastors are rightly wondering what the proper response is to these impositions.
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Should Christians Show Patriotism?
In recent years, people have questioned whether it is right to show patriotism, especially if one’s leader has policies or personal characteristics they vehemently disagree with. This has been especially…
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Is God Sovereign Over Elections?
Scripture describes how God is sovereign over nations and those who lead them (Acts 17:26, Proverbs 21:1, Daniel 2:20-21, 4:32, 35). Depending on the results of our elections, Christians may…
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Amy Coney Barrett and the Dogma of Faith
In 2017, Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed to the 7th District Court of Appeals by the Senate. During her confirmation process, she was questioned by Senate Democrats about the role of her Catholic faith in her judging, inferring that it might unfairly bias or influence her to rule one way or the other. In light of this, Christians may wonder whether this line of questioning is fair or whether Amy Coney Barrett’s response is completely correct. To what extent should a person’s faith be allowed to inform their judgments? To what extent should it determine a judge’s decisions?
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How Should Christians Think About Critical Theory?
The term “critical theory” is probably one that few Christians are familiar with. Yet, it is something that underlies much of what we hear and observe in modern society. Social…
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November 2020 California Election Guide
It’s that time again! As if 2020 hasn’t already been a crazy enough year (with COVID-19, civil unrest and racial strife, the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, presidential debates, etc.),…
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