This past week, I spoke at my church’s youth group about homosexuality and the purpose of sex. I got a lot of good feedback from the kids and even some of their parents afterwards. I hope it can be a blessing to you as well if this is something you think about. I’m not the greatest public speaker, but I’m happy the Lord could use me nonetheless.
I’ll put some timestamps below if you are interested in skipping to a particular question.
0:00 – Introduction to the series (Think Christianly)
6:23 – Introducing me and the night’s topic
10:14 – My story and journey with same-sex attractions (SSA)
17:40 – Why me? Why do some people develop SSA and not others? Does it matter?
21:30 – What are the passages of Scripture that have shaped your worldview on homosexuality?
33:21 – How do you think about the interaction between sexuality and identity?
38:51 – What would you want a Christian with SSA to know?
44:38 – What would you want Christians without SSA to know?
49:15 – What is the purpose of sex? How does a good understanding of the purpose of sex inform our understanding of homosexuality?
(One minor correction: When I referenced 1 Corinthians 1:16, I meant 1 Corinthians 6:16)
54:20 – Sex, Singleness, Love, and Jesus
58:43 – Resources
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